Exclusive Cleaning Services

Exclusive Cleaning Services.

Commercial Cleaning Services in Orlando, FL.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Alex from Exclusive Cleaning Services. They are an emerging small business that is family owned and located in Orlando. During the interview I asked Alex about the origin of his business and what sets him apart from the competition. I learned that they actually have much more experience in their industry than I had originally thought. Alex has been working in commercial cleaning for many years as a part of a large franchise company. After gaining his experience, he noticed how hard the company was making it for him to deliver the right quality of work. He decided that for him to be able to take care of clients properly, he should take on the challenge of becoming a business owner. This meant that he would need to do a whole lot more work now that he was running the whole thing. However, he knew that it would let him provide service to his clients way better now that he could do it in his way. Alex believes in working hard for his clients because showing them value is the best way to grow a business. He also focuses on building relationships because he really does care about those he does business with. After speaking with him, one can tell that he is passionate about growing his commercial cleaning business.


Exclusive Cleaning Services provides professional commercial cleaning services in Orlando, FL. for businesses and office buildings that need high quality commercial cleaning. To serve his clients best, he focuses on maintaining good communication with them. This way, they are sure that he is doing a great job because he is always there to receive feedback. Focusing on feedback allows businesses to grow and scale much easier because they are constantly looking at what needs improvement. Those who partner with this company for commercial cleaning or commercial carpet cleaning in Orlando can expect a company that is experienced and very friendly with their work. They provide high quality cleaning services in Orlando but they also have a good floor care program for office buildings that need spectacular looking floors.


Alex told me that he is great at having his team clean up office buildings and larger corporate buildings because they have an efficient system to make sure that an entire building can be cleaned thoroughly. When he is done with a building, it is left looking and smelling clean! He specializes in carpet cleaning and office floor cleaning in Orlando because he has all the right equipment that it takes to get deep down into any type of carpet that you may have in your building. Those who work with Alex can expect to get a lot of value from his services because he is working very hard to grow his business so that he can provide quality cleaning services to the Orlando area. I had a great time speaking with him and I hope to see him continue to do well with his business!


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